Friday, January 4, 2008

Heat Stroke

Heat Stroke (ISBN 9780451459848) is book 2 of the Weather Warden series. Our heroine was killed in the first book and lovingly restored to life as a Djinn. Joanne gains a whole new perspective about how magic works in the world as she learns to control her power and, unfortunately, learns how to be controlled. Mixed in with the disaster on the horizon is a child master who has had the worst kind of life.
Rating: 4/5

Ill Wind

This is the first of the Weather Warden series. The quote on the book suggests that you will never look at the weather the same, but this depends on your level belief in the supernatural. There are four types of power that a mortal may control, the standards as far as I am concerned. Earth, the rarest; Fire, the most volatile; Air, common; and Water, also common. The wardens trap and control Djinn who are used as amplifiers in a manner of speaking. For more, see the next post on Heat stroke or read this book (ISBN 9780451459527).
Rating 4/5
PS: I have switched to using Barnes and Noble links instead of Amazon links... if anyone cares.