Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bonds of Vengence

In book 3 of this saga, Coe continues the theme I have seen developing in this series of a nearly unlimited evil being fought by ordinary men and women as well as essentially lower level magics. He builds upon the relations of three key Qirsi (the sorcerer race) -- Grinsa, Cressene, and Keziah.

Cadel's life is a major sub-plot in this book as chapters are devoted in whole or part to learning more about what drives him to the big duel.

Spoiler: Tavis manages to realize his two biggest goals so far in the series. He is able to duel Cadel/Corbin and he is able to clear his name. However, these come at a great cost: the lesson that desire and results do not always lead to happiness.

Rating: 4/5

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