Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well, I bit the bullet. After the movie being out for nearly a year I decided to finally read the book (and no, I haven't yet seen the movie, tends to ruin the book that way). After the hype of the commercials I had a glimpse of this universe, and only when I saw that he wrote 'Neverwhere' as well did I put 2 and 2 together.
For those who want to read it, it is a fantastic ride down the well of imagination. While there are plot points that could be expanded upon in other stories or may have already been so, each of his books appear to be independent stories. Startdust (ISBN 0060934719) is the story of a boy drawn into a plot before he was born to reshape the lands of Faerie. At points it is hard to tell who is on the boy's side and discovering the truth about his mother has profound implications on the wayward lad. As the author puts it in the closing remarks, we are reminded that fairy tales are not just for kids but adults to.
Some of the character development and attributes, while fantastical, did not ring true to me for the world, but all in all, that may have been colored by my previous reading of 'Neverwhere' (ISBN 0060557818).
Rating: 3/5

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