Sunday, September 9, 2007

Storm Front

Book 1 of the original series that led to the Sci-Fi adaptation lives up to the promise of the TV show. If it wasn't for the show, I'd never have picked up the 2000 publication. Danger, suspense, supernatural power, and good ol' detective work.

Two cases, intertwined, drive Dresden to his limits of both ingenuity and magic. All the familiar characters from the show make an appearance and indeed, you may see five or six episodes getting there start from this triumphant start to the book.

Tension is really raised in the book by the attraction of Murphy to Dresden and the arrival of her rival, Susan. Now, Susan is not a regular on the show, but in this initial book she fawns over Dresden like a lovesick puppy (and at one point is definitely lovesick).

Bianca, the Vampire ex-lover on the TV show, is a very different sort of person in this introduction to the world of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden.

Rating 5/5

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